Smallburg V4.0 update #4

Hey! Another week, another post with updates.

Smallburg Packs

I've continued the work on Smallburg V4.0.

I've finished the terrain and the character base animations.

It started with this...

And this is the end result:

I really like how its coming up.

As for the characters, I've finished the hairstyles and working on the clothes.

Here are some examples:


I have added more details to the clothes so they become a bit more real.

Next I'll work on the items of the pack, new house assets and improved interiors.

After the Town pack revamp, I'll start with the Farm pack upgrade to v4.0.

Next Sunday, as soon as I return from Brazil, I'll add what I already did to the pack.

Next Pack: Cult Pack

I've worked on magic school pack, the pokemon like pack and a horse breeding pack, all of them will  stillcome to Smallburg. But the one I really liked was the idea of a cult pack, based on the game Cult of the lamb.

I'm working on them based on V4.0. and I expect to have this out by the end of this month.

Here's some animations (i've added a leaf because they are naked):



I really love making these assets. Hope you guys enjoy the packs and the updates. I'm really happy to finally return to this.

Starlancer Packs

So a while ago I created a small prototype for a game called starlancer and I really enjoyed making but with all the shit in my life I had to stop it as well. A small space game as a continuation for my first game defendor.

While I still want to move forward with this I began thinking if I should not put these as another set of packs based in space stuff, which I love.

So I'm thinking of creating packs with space ships starting with the human ships, and the above ship which is a science vessel.

What do you guys think of a new sci fi pack?


Well that it for now. I'm catching my plane back home tomorrow and during the flight I'll continue working on the packs.

Hope you enjoyed it.. See you soon.

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Wowwww thats awesomeeee ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Thanks... but what part? the smallburg or the sci fi one? or both :D ?

Both with no doubts :D


yes on the scifi pack, theres a billion and one medieval packs out there but not scifi stuff.

(1 edit)

Yeah. I have been looking at what's available and it seems like there is a small variety.

I will start making it after the v4.0 update.

Thanks for the reply.